Guess what? I believe that I have unintentionally started a movement. Ha, I'm not 1oo% sure that I can take credit but damn it I am! Even if it's just a personal movement between me, myself and I, oh and of course you! Welcome to the "What If" movement, yes, I like the sound of that. So, if you read my previous post titled, What If, then you should be aware of why and how the question of what if came into fruition for me. However just in case you haven't read the post I'll give you a brief overview. I was in the shower one evening after finally arriving home from my 12-hour work shift, the shower is one of my secret places that God and I have the most profound, mind-blowing conversations. As I am in prayer and meditation my mind began to overflow with a series of what if questions. I am sure I was asking God about purpose and what am I supposed to do while I am evolving through earth school. The God within me has a sense of humor because I promise the answer to my questions came in a series of questions that I myself had to answer from my higher self (God within). Anyway, to make a long story short, upon getting out of the shower I began to write the mirage of "What If" questions down and I began to answer them one by one.
A lot of times the answers that we are seeking we already have or know the answer to but because of fear we turn a deaf to that inner calling which is leading us towards a path of least resistance.
What if I decided to take writing seriously this year? What is the best thing that could happen for me? What if I actually believed that my words have the power to transform, heal and offer hope to others instead of selfishly keeping them for myself? What if writing was truly my calling? What would that look like for me? Hmmmm, what if I entertained that thought? What is the best thing that could happen? What if my story really was the survival guide for that young girl who is lost in the world and looking for love in all the wrong places? What if by sharing my story the woman who has suffered from low self-esteem, identity issues and wondering if she will ever love herself finally finds the strength to choose herself first and begin the journey of healing? Just what
I stopped judging myself and actually believe that I am deserving of my voice being heard even if it is through written words? What if this is who God has created me to be all along? What if I stopped believing in the "societal" point of view that artist of my kind are starving artist, lol? That just made me chuckle! but What if? What if the one thing that I've done in secret, writing, is one of the keys to unlock the door to set me free? What if the whole time I was looking for my purpose I was already living within?
I wanted to share a comment that was left on the initial "What if" post by a good friend of mine.
Make sure you read it as it will trigger you into asking yourself some "what if" questions.
One of her questions that I have to answer for myself is this; "What if life gives me flowers?".
I am still meditating on my response on that one. Just what if Life gives me flowers? What would that look like? What would that feel like mentally, emotionally and spiritually? Will I willingly receive? am I even open to receive? These what if questions will cause a series of questions to arise within you that if you are like me, you have buried deep and refuse to let bubble to the surface.
Listen, I've been drowning in shallow water and these questions gave me the strength to finally just stand. What if I was who I have been running from and afraid of this entire time?
Wow!! This is so powerful!! I love how transparent, honest and raw you expressed your feeling wholeheartedly. Beautifully said and very inspirational. All the what if . . That have been coming across my mind lately. What if I allow myself to grow from my mistakes? What if I chose to face my past? What if life gives me flowers? What if I have a everlasting happy ending? What if I wake up loving all of me despite of my past mistakes? What if? Thank you so much for this beautiful masterpiece. May God continue to anoint and bless your hands to create more and more beautiful words of art by just being your authentic self. 🌹-Lakisha