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Touch it, Feel it, its Real!

Writer's picture: LaMia MicheleLaMia Michele

This is an old post I found sitting in my drafts, it was written last year, 2022. I never actually sit down and reread most things that I have written and as I am taking the time to do that now its bitter sweet. I'm relearning and discovering new things about myself as I am rereading my very own words. I am answering questions that I've been searching for the answers to but ah, I've already that weird that makes me sad?

If you are wondering why sadness because it's a realization that the answers are already within and nost of the time we know the truth, we know the answers we just blindly choose to be ignorant. Maybe it isn't that deep but to me it is! I'm thankful(l) because I followed that inner nudge yesterday, 12/18/2023 which led me back to this blog. It wasn't by coincidence it was simply God answering my prayers.

Hello Tribe and Soul family!

So many wonderful things have transpired that I am still at times catching my breath. So for the sake of rewinding and back tracking; when I initially started this blog my intent was to convey some of the experiences I was having in the midst of my Spiritual awakening. Yes, you read that correctly, spiritual awakening and that is totally different from having a religious experience, (I say that with emphasis)! As time progressed and I dived more into who it is that I am at my core, I began to remember visions and dreams that I had when I was heavy into religion. These memories caused me to sit still and dive deeper into these experiences and what they meant or what they are here to teach me.

For three months I became super, hyper sensitive and aware like never before, it was as if a veil had been lifted off of my physical eyes and opened my third eye. As I became more Intune with me I also became more Intune with nature, what a beautiful connection to hear and understand the birds, the trees and the language of the wind. Within this time I worked hard and I produced not only this blog but also a podcast (that hasn't dropped yet), and I self-published my very first book.

I remember stating and not fully grasping this statement that today rings true, loud and clear; "Needing nothing Attracts Everything"! Whew! Let me just tell you, anything and everything that you want also wants you too, however there is a difference between a want and a need, and that is a major key! I honestly just set out to become more aligned with my higher self and the Most High. I wanted to fill the void, heal past traumas and walk into my Purpose.

I never needed or desired, yearned for internet fame or success, I actually wanted to manifest peace, an abundance of joy, an overflowing of self-love and All things that are for my highest good. The foundation of this all is "Intent", I didn't need to sell any books, have anyone read a blog post, comment, like or share and not needing it was what brought it to me in an influx of overflow!

As I sit here and write this post to myself as well as you I pose this question:

What are you trying to manifest and will you be able to recognize it when it shows up?

I also want to leave you with this download that just fell into my Spirit, "the very thing that you want will keep evading you until you have the power to release it".

It's a question that you are going to have to sit with and be honest with yourself about. Since we aren't taught the power of our thoughts I believe we aimlessly travel through this human experience unsure of our natural, gifted birthrights.

Belief has been a thief and will continue to be a thief as long as we are taught what to believe.

As I continue to learn everything that has been taught to me, I am also learning that I too have the ability to turn my thoughts into things that can be felt, things that can be touched and even held.

I remember asking and I pose this question to you as well, if Jesus stated that greater works will we do than He, then why are you still afraid to walk in that Power? Why is it so unfathomable to believe in the power of thought and manifestation? When in all actuality, unknowingly and unwillingly you are creating whatever state you are currently living in.

If you are living in a state of lack, you are creating that with your thoughts.

Look around us, everything that you see with your physical eyes was once a thought that someone brought into what we now define as our reality.

You guys know this is a two way conversation looking forward to hearing your thoughts, reading your comments and talking with you.

Be sure to subscribe and follow me on my social media platforms that can be found on my sites home page.

Thank You in Advance.

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