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The Lies You Tell!

Writer's picture: LaMia MicheleLaMia Michele

It's crazy the way that life works, no not life, our thoughts and the mental blockages that try to keep us in a state of stagnation. As I am sitting here typing this post, and the negative thoughts are attempting to infiltrate my mind. Have you ever experienced moments such as these? As soon as you decide that you are going to step out on faith and trust God then the enemy creeps in and begins to tell you lies in your own voice! I know I am not alone! This isn't my first experience where I have encountered these types of negative thoughts. They were really bad when it came to dealing with individuals of the opposite sex. That in itself is another post. Life has taught me that the enemy knows your weakness, so it is in your best interest to learn them to, that is the only way, or one of the ways you won't fall victim to the enemy's devices. Now, who is this enemy that I am referring to? No, it is not the devil, sorry not sorry. It is the enemy that lives within you. Self-doubt, limiting beliefs, an out of balance root chakra, an overactive sacral chakra, low self-esteem, depression, unforgiveness and the feeling of not seeing yourself as worthy or deserving. Whew, that is a small list compared to the self-inflicted lies that we believe about ourselves that cause us to live in fear. Fear of the unknown and fear of oneself, fear of self-expression, fear of success so one will intentionally self-sabotage.

As you read through this little excerpt ask yourself if anything mentioned above resonates with you, and if they so what are you leaving behind in 2023? You still have time to choose you.

You still have time to tell that voice that it no longer controls or dictates how you will show up in the world. Stop doubting yourself and using excuses. Excuses will keep you stuck in a mindset that is causing you to live in stagnation. Aren't you ready to thrive? Are you really ready to live the life you have always desired to live, the one you know you deserve? Are you ready to bet on yourself and believe in the power of you? You have to make a choice and counteract every lie with the truth. There are methods that you can utilize to help you along this journey such as affirmations; you can buy affirmation cards (I have a personal deck that I created) or begin to write your own, you can even listen to positive affirmations on YouTube. There really aren't any more excuses that you can hide behind! One of my favorite tools that has helped me to combat the lies, outside of journaling, is finding biblical scriptures reminding me of who it is that God says I am and what it is the creator of Everything has promised me that is already mine as I continue to evolve through this physical realm.

Today, December 26, 2023, at 7:35 pm, as I sat down to write I heard in my own voice, nobody is going to read your blog, why are you sharing your thoughts, people already think that the way you think is weird. Your topics are not interesting, what value are you adding by writing and sharing these words? they don't make a bit of sense to no one but you. You are not a writer, you are just writing about your life, what is so interesting about you. You'll never get a man sharing your truths! You're still a broken little girl, your voice doesn't matter, your story doesn't matter. Can you imagine the fear that began to flood my heart, the anxiety, the panic. I went back and forth about posting to my social media account that I had written a new blog post. My heart is pounding now as I am typing this post and that enemy, fear of rejection is saying delete it, delete it now. Yet here I am still typing away, proving to myself that the voice is a liar! The faster my heart beats the quicker my fingers begin to hit the keys on the keyboard. Writing is my therapy; it is the voice I've never had. I used to write in secret, but another voice deep inside of me reminded me that my truths are someone's healing balm. Do I think sometimes I tell too much through my writing, yeah. but according to whose rules. Aren't all the rules fake anyway? Here I am showing up and telling a new story. This time the enemy did not win! Today, I refused to let the enemy win! Today, I refused to believe or give into the lie! Today, I refused to allow fear to paralyze me. Today, I won't give in and today I am able to decipher between the voice of lies and the voice of truth. Today, this is how I win.

My intention for writing this and sharing it with you is because I believe that you deserve to win too. I know that the voice of lies will have you questioning your purpose, your gifts, your very existence and that is a self-induced prison. The key to unlock the cage is in your hand and you have to combat the lies to muster up the faith to turn the key.

Thank you for holding space for me.

I am LaMia Michele and I write from my heart.

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Dec 27, 2023

Wow!! This resonates with me so much and you are so right. The Lies we tell ourselves will sometimes take over. Writing is your therapy and the enemy knows that planting negative thoughts will begin to discourage you from spreading your truth by helping yourself and others. What a lie!! Yes I agree sometimes it's our own negative thoughts, not God or the enemy but our own thoughts but where does it come from? From past hurts? Being deceived? Hurt? Left out in the cold? Not valuing ourselves at all, especially when growing up. What I do know is that the enemy likes to plant seeds as soon as you come from your mother's womb, into childhood and now even…

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