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I'm Going Higher! Are You Coming?

Writer's picture: LaMia MicheleLaMia Michele

Updated: Dec 19, 2023

Blessed, Abundant, Rich, Prosperous, Joyous, Peaceful Risings Soul Tribe!

Hopefully you had an opportunity to read my previous post, if not check it out and feel free to share your thoughts. I would love to hear from you.

It's a new day, new beginnings and the opportunity to begin again! I love new days. I am so grateful(l) for breath!

I reread and reread my previous post and I got that feeling again, you know that intuitive nudge to write another blog post. Listen, Spirit is showing up and making my path clear, ha, who would have thought! An important part, if not the most vital, during my spiritual awakening, spiritual journey has been learning to trust my intuition. To be apparently clear, also learning to discern when it is my intuition speaking verses my trauma, verses when I am living in my vivid Libra imagination...(the land of lollipops, rainbows, unicorns and fairies).

But that's another blog post...literally I am laughing out loud.

In my previous post I touched on how my Spirit spoke to me through a Diana Ross song and asked me a serious of questions.

Do you know where you're going?

Do you like the things that life is showing you?

Where are you going to?

Do you know?

Whew, these questions had/have me digging deep into my emotions and deeper into my healing.

As I continue to reflect on those above mentioned questions this rising, the Most High God began to show me that as long as I am willing to sacrifice my need to be in control and follow the internal impulses, those intuitive nudges, I am on my divine path because I am being divinely guided without fear.

If you find yourself reflecting on the above questions and feeling stuck, like I was (insert hand to forehead, expressing the expression of really), then this post is for you. I am so excited to share with you some of the tools that I am utilizing to gain clarity, strength and spiritual stamina to know where it is that I am going. I know what you are probably thinking, is it possible to have that quick of a turn around? that was just yesterday when she was an emotional wreck. lost and turned out (just laugh).

Yes! it is that easy and possible and I am living proof of it. The secret is to master the art of surrender, lose your human need to be in control and trust in the Unknown.

Wow, how nice that last sentence was perfect to lead into what I am going to share with you.

Your words have the prosper to transform your life, because they transform your mind. With that being said, I wanted to share with you a few affirmations that I use to shift my thinking.

Remember, your words are your magic wand!

* Affirm: I am always on my path, I am always being Divinely guided.

*Affirm: I decree and I declare my path is made clear. I know where I am going and if in any event I do not know I trust my intuition to guide me.

* Affirm: I like what life is showing me! My life is great! My life is in alignment.

*Affirm: I am walking into the best, most abundant, prosperous season of my life and it feels amazing,

This one is huge. Our need to be in control is ego based and can be the byproduct of a variety of life experiences. What I am learning is to relinquish control and be brutally honest with myself.

In my previous post, I was lost in a sea of defeating emotions because of external circumstances. When I let go and let God, my intuition kicked in, I was able to slow down and pay attention to what my body was telling me by way of my nervous system. Of course, if you are in a place of self pity and self defeat you would be lost unable to know where you are going. Luckily for me, I am able to sit outside myself, observe myself, ask my thoughts what in the heck are we thinking and why. I also call on help and assistance from a Higher Power and my Spirit team, that is how the Diana Ross song from Mahogany came into my mental. I also make it a daily habit to align my thoughts with higher thoughts. I pay attention to how I feel and I ask what is the emotion, this feeling here to teach me.

I sit in stillness, meditation. I am sure you have heard this scripture before, "Be still and know that I am God". When you begin to quiet your mind you will tap into hearing your higher self, the God within you speak and trust me that always leads to clarity and direction.

This one right here, JUST ASK. We have not because we ask not and when we do ask we have little faith that our request will be answered. Ask for direction, ask to be guided, ask to be severed from anything that no longer serves you including your self sabotaging beliefs.

I want to leave you with this because truth be told I will keep writing and writing and I've heard people just aren't into reading anymore, what a travesty.

Any who back to my point and what yesterday really brought home for me is this:

When you stop looking for the path, the path finds you. Nothing lost can ever be found, not even yourself. When you slow down, breathe, honor your truth, reverse the lies from your traumas and speak life over your life by way of words that affirm you, you are being directed.

Do I know where I am going, sort of and beyond a shadow of a doubt what I do know is that I am going Higher than where I was yesterday. Do I like what life is showing me? I sure do it is showing me just how much I have grown and with everything that I release that no longer serves me life rewards me with something greater and better. Where am I going to? A higher calling for a divine higher calling, towards the mark, my divine assignment. Do I know, you damn right I do! How do I know? My intuition never ever leads me in the wrong direction.

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LaMia Michele
LaMia Michele
Dec 20, 2023


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