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God Is That You?

Writer's picture: LaMia MicheleLaMia Michele

Hello Tribe and beautiful souls. To those of you that celebrated the new year, happy new year!

To those of you who are awaiting spring like I am our time is coming, lol.

Oh, yeah, before I forget to give myself my flowers! I finally finished a huge project that I was working on. I had the pleasure to take my shot at Ghostwriting! I am so excited that I am finished with my client's manuscript and she is on her way to becoming a published Author! I most definitely will write a blog post about my experience in the very near future.

This project was the very first task that I had assigned to myself for the first week of January. I am so proud of myself for staying committed to my commitments. It is also an honor when someone's believes in your skills and wants you to be the one to write their story. I kept asking are you sure you heard God say ask me, lol. Yes, I was the writer that God told her to ask. Gratitude is how I am feeling, an overwhelming sense of gratitude. Thank You to my client and Thank you Most High God.

Now since that is out of the way, let me go ahead and release my thoughts onto this screen and into the atmosphere.

Now, this second week of January has been filled with some pleasant supernatural surprises. Guess what? most of these surprises came with a few losses. God is really hitting the pivot for me! And the pivot came with instructions. All that was required of me is that I have to be obedient, get out of my own way and keep my eyes on God. Listening to God hasn't been an easy task for me, because I realized that as much as I did not think I was bossing God, boy ole boy, was I wrong as two left shoes! The beauty of God is that He corrects those that He loves. God's correction in my life was a clear indication to me that I had more inner work that needs to be completed. On 1/7/2024 as I was driving back home after running some errands, I heard loud and clear within my Spirit, "until your mindset shifts, by seeking those things that are above, nothing in your outer world will change". Whoa! I was thrown aback just a little, who am I kidding, I was thrown aback a lot. All last week, and the week prior, I continued to be gently reminded by my dad's voice playing inside of my head, to remember that God shows up in the little things. When I tell you that I was throwing a grown woman tantrum and angry with God, it was my dad's word that helped to place things into the proper perspective. The problem that I was having was not with God it was with myself. I have learned a lot of things over the last few seasons of my life, a few of those things relate to the law of attraction, the laws of the universe and manifestation; spiritual things along those lines, plus a heck of a lot more. Because I know better, (which from my perspective all of these spiritual laws and principles are based on Gods words), then how could I not be doing better?

How can I be mad at God for what was occurring in my life when I was the one thinking these situations and circumstances into existence? However, just like life be lifing, God be Godding!

From way back when, I want to say maybe around 2008, I started hearing the voice of God for myself. I have been thirsting after God since I was in first grade, wait, can you thirst after God? Do you think that God thinks that we can be too thirsty? Probably not, maybe I should say seeking after God instead. Crazy that this week I realized that I have been seeking God for 42 years of my life, if we count from the age of 6, which I don't think that counts but for the sake of sharing my truths it's part of my story. Even in the seasons when I did not know as I evolved through life that that was what I was doing. I now see that God never removed His hands from off of me. God told me back in 2014, that I was a woman after His own heart and that was hard for me to accept, until recently.

I also struggled with my own inner thoughts, always questioning if what it is that I am hearing is Gods voice or the voice of my self-induced fears. When I tell you that God is amazing and has a way of giving you clarity to let you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are not crazy and that very well you are hearing the right voice. My sheep know my voice!

Today, I began to wander to the left again by questioning my own thoughts. God, is this you?

How many times am I going to ask for a sign of confirmation? I'm saying to myself Sheesh, LaMia get it together! After I finally got climbed off the ledge of being all in my head, my Spirit posed a question to me "what are you afraid of? I was actually afraid to answer that question. How do I decipher between the voice of religious doctrines and ideologies and Gods voice?

By paying attention to the little things! When I realized that my thoughts were lining up with Gods thoughts towards me, I began to see Gods hand all over my life and it started with the little things.

I firmly believe that Gods voice differs from the voice we have grown accustomed to out of fear. Gods voice comes with instructions that will lead you into the land flowing with milk and honey, literally and spiritually. I am learning that when we learn to see God and appreciate Him in the little things, God is making way to bless us with the bigger things. I know that these words sound a little churchy, but what I had to recognize is that my thoughts and who I have come know God to be for myself isn't based on religious ideologies and doctrines, rather it is based on personal life experiences where I have seen God show up for myself. As I look back and reflect, I know it had to be a God thing. As I reflect in the present, I know it is a God thing.

The enemy that most individuals give power to are the demons that many refuse to face, ask me how I know. Satan, the devil, whomever you subscribe the enemy to be in your life does not have any power unless you give it power. The voice that I hear has led me out of harm's way and not into it, that's how I begin to decipher between the voices. Gods voice leads you out the wilderness and not into it. Gods voice is stern, yet gentle, never forceful and allows you to show up confidently. That other voice will have you sleeping on yourself and missing out on the assignment you have been sent into this earth realm to do. God voice leads you along still waters in barren lands! I cannot say this without my Spirit leaping. Once I made up my mind to stop allowing my fear, my insecurities, my self-limiting beliefs, fears and etc.., to be the dominating voice in my life, God showed up. God is showing up. I heard the Spirit telling me again, shift the way you are seeing things, even my perception of God. This day I am confident in recognizing when it is the voice of my trauma, pain or fears leading me verses when it is God voice or that inner intuitive voice of the Holy Spirit. The voice that creeps in to keep you in bondage is not the voice you want to listen to or follow. Now, don't get me wring there have been times during my life when God has told me to step off the boat Peter and I laughed and did not listen. I allowed that other voice to keep me inside of my bubble that had become my safety net. When God was telling me to step off the boat, which spiritually meant step out on faith, I questioned myself and I sought confirmation from everyone else. I look back and slightly regret that now. I have learned that if I need to be confident in anything during the rest of my life's journey it is this fact, "I hear the voice of God very clearly and from this day forward where He leads me, I will follow.

In the words from my great friend, more like a sister, Vanassa...whether I go left, whether I go right, either way I will always be straight! God

As long as Gods voice is guiding me, I can never get lost.

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