March 07, 2022
What is the vibe tribe? How are things in your reality? Especially with the changing of moon cycles and phases, have you been able to keep up? Especially emotionally! Honestly, speaking if you don’t mind me being a little transparent these few weeks have had me on an emotional rollercoaster. I have been unintentionally discovering new things about myself and these newfound truths have been kicking my ass! Wait, but in a good way…yesss! A good ass kicking that pushes you to have to address your own crap. What I mean by that is when you are faced with having to face you and have to take accountability for your own trauma your path to healing begins to be seen through new eyes.
There is this post that I came across on Instagram that resonated with me so deeply as I was going through my murky waters this past week. The quote stated something like this; “I sat with my demons and started giving them names!” Whew, heavy right? I know! Sometimes it can feel as if healing is portrayed as burning sage, carrying crystals, and basking in the sunlight or in my words, rainbows, and freaking butterflies, however healing can be an ugly truth that makes you want to run away from yourself. Looking and facing the reflection that you see in the mirror isn’t an easy task, facing the inner demons that come to the surface darn sure isn't pretty either. However, just like David faced Goliath with confidence and was able to claim victory it’s the same concept along the journey towards your inner healing.
Face your demons, begin to give them names, stop running from them because once you do they will stop chasing you. How do you name your demons and how will you know when they have surfaced? Think about some of the things that trigger you. That’s what I had to do, I also had to be willing to call myself out on my own crap. I had to take accountability for my decisions, my actions and the outcome regardless whether they were good or bad. I had to stop blaming others or anything that was outside of me for the internal conflict that was showing up externally.
Demons show up as shame, guilt, jealousy, lack of motivation, depression, attachment issues, self-sabotaging behaviours, self limiting beliefs, abuse to self or allowing others to abuse you, low self-esteem, excessive drinking and so much more. Pretty much anything you use as a vice to help you escape from yourself. The thing about running from you is that you will keep bumping back into you until you stop running. Take the stance to deal with you and heal from your wounds, seriously.
Healing isn’t an overnight task and it will require you to do some inner work and be brutally honest with yourself and once you do there is a pot of gold awaiting you at the end of the rainbow.
Personally, for me, taking the stance to finally get serious about me and take my healing personal led me to a newfound freedom. The relationships I have with others whether family, friends or intimate has grown in beautiful ways. I was a little mad at myself for not facing my demons sooner, just laugh! But on a serious note, I found myself thinking that if only I had done x,y and z then maybe I would have had a successful relationship sooner, or I could have raised my daughter differently, I wouldn’t have had to go through much of the self-inflicted crap I endured.
Truth be told that perspective can be seen as one of the ugly truths to healing. You start to question and entertain the thought that if I would have known sooner.
Guess what though, you are learning and finding out these newfound truths about yourself are occurring at the right, specific and appointed time! Trust me!
Each experience you have endured up until now is part of the story of You! They were necessary for whatever reason, maybe to grow you, change you, shape you into the individual you were created to be so that you can complete the assignment you came into this realm to complete. That’s how I see it, seeing it from that perspective has been an amazing tool along my healing journey.
Oh, what’s the tool I am referring to? “Perspective”, being able to change how you see or are viewing a particular thing or things. How you see it is how it will be! How you see it is how it will show up! That’s a whole message.
Before I end this post, I also want to add this point, when you begin to hold yourself accountable others that are connected to you begin to hold themselves accountable too. Your healing will motivate others that are connected to you to want to change and tap into their healing or they might just fall to the wayside, however that is also beneficial for you and to your healing and growth.
This felt pretty good to share and to finally tap back into writing again, as well as connecting back with you all.
If there are any topics that you guys want me to touch on or write about, please leave it in the comment section.
Until next time,
Much Love and abundant life to you!
LaMia Michele