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Allow Your Creativity to Work for You

Writer's picture: LaMia MicheleLaMia Michele

Well, welcome to a new day! December 26, 2023, literally the day after Christmas. It seems weird to me that Christmas this year fell on a Monday, and I am back at the gig on a Tuesday! Is anyone else ready to see what the rest of this year will bring before it is finally over? Wait, pause let me rephrase that, before the year 22023 comes to an end and we are thrust into 2024! I felt it necessary to rephrase or better yet clarify my words because there are so many predictions floating around about the world being reset, or the preparation for the great rapture. Sheesh, I know it can be so overwhelming, actually I am surprised that the anxiety of it all hasn't set in yet. Maybe it won't because I can recall back in 1999, we were going to party like the end of the world was here!

With age comes wisdom so if you don't know allow me to tell you, I've come to realize that the end is just the end of a timeline and life as we have grown accustomed to living. Now as far as biblical prophesies I am not a bible scholar, nor have I attended anyone's school of theology, so I tend not to swim in waters that I am not well versed on or that I have a deeper knowledge about. However, I have been shown things in the spiritual realm that have come to pass in the earthly realm. So, will there be a rapture? Are we living in the end times? That depends on your personal beliefs.

Before I go off on a tangent, let me get back to the topic at hand. Are you allowing your creativity to work for you?

With all the noise and chaos that is surrounding me, surrounding us to be exact, because none of us are exempt from the noise of the world. We are flooded with commercials and advertisements, billboards and signs constantly reminding us about the virus, to wear our mask, the new vaccine, new viruses, what's going in the white house, what's going on in Cardi B's house, what's going on with Diddy, his sexuality and his lawsuits. Along with the war in Israel. Along with a plethora of other things. These stories are being told to us daily, programming our minds to buy into a scripted narrative that can oftentimes instill fear and create and illustrate the outer world in which we live. The picture of the world and the stories that are being told oftentimes by others can and will have a tremendous effect on our inner world. This pre-planned narrative will also affect how we show in the world, in our relationships, familial or platonic. But did you know that you have the power to change that narrative? To tell and write a different story? Your thoughts and how you see the world from the seat of creativity can alter how you see the physical world. Now, don't start thinking that her she goes living up in the clouds, I am here in the flesh in my human skin suit aware of all my senses and mental faculties. However, I am one of those individuals that are in this world but not of this world, meaning I can think and see outside of the box. Guess what? There is where your creativity also comes into play!

Before I proceed especially if this is your first time here, thank you for taking the time to stop by my platform and take a journey into my thoughts, I welcome you with transparency and harmony.

This is my very first blog that I started back in 2021. I am super excited to have finally stepped out of my comfort zone and took a leap of faith and share my secret most inner thoughts with you. I decided to start this blog because I was so overwhelmed and began to notice that I only felt solace when I detached from the noise that was surrounding me. I was also seeking out a way to make a contribution within this reality that would leave my mark in this world. As I found myself frequently wanting to detach and be isolated from the noise of the outer world and even the simulation of social media, I began to find peace in writing. As I started looking back to reflect reading books and writing has always been my escape from the outside noise.

So, I sat with myself, and I started thinking about my hobbies, how I spend my free time and the conversations that I have with others. I have to be honest; it took me a long time to recognize what my gifts were but once I did it was on and popping. I was looking for my gifts and talents to be these huge profound tangible things. I sat and I prayed, and I meditated and prayed some more seeking answers to what my gifts were, but the answer was simpler than the process I was taking myself through to find them.

What is it that you enjoy doing, that brings you joy? what is that thing that flows so naturally for you without much thought and hesitation? What is it that you would do if money was not a part of the reward? That thing or those things are your gifts, and as the bible scripture states, “your gifts will make room for you”! I truly Believe that! You just have to tap into your creativity and make room for it. That is a whole affirmation, post it on a sticky as a reminder to yourself and for daily inspiration (wink).

Ever since I was younger I 've always loved to read and write. I also enjoy talking to people, encouraging individuals and sharing my story in hopes that it will give someone else the motivation to push through with strength along their own personal journey and to never give up on themselves.

With that being said, a few days ago I decided with a nudge from my intuition to reread through some of my previous written blog post. Within minutes of reading through my own words (which I rarely do), I decided that I was going to make my creativity work for me, again! I even decided to relisten to some of my podcast episodes as well as some podcast interviews, I had done. When I was writing on my Instagram page my spirit said, “Write more, Speak Less”, it was that epiphany that led me to start writing this blog. That message came into fruition right at the moment that I had started to doubt myself. Which is a normal part of the process, especially when you are venturing out into new waters, all these unanswered questions and self-doubt will begin to flood in. Am I doing this correctly? Is my content valuable? does my voice sound right? where is the blueprint for beginners for podcasting and blogging? will people criticize my way of thinking if I am too transparent? Am I going to be known as the weird, crazy lady for standing in my personal truth? Yes, probably so! But I could care less! Do you know how liberating that is for me to admit that and mean it, wholeheartedly. As my doubts have finally begun to be silenced, I began to throw out those negative thought forms and stepped into my power as co-creator of my own reality. I decided to “Just Do It”! Start the Podcast plus start the Blog! The switch up is real when you get serious about the life you want to create.

The choice is always yours. The beauty of your life as well as my own is that we are all created with a spark of intuitive creativity embedded within us. The noise of the world and the predictive programming of our parents, teachers and the world will oftentimes make us forget or overpower our inherited gifts from the creator Himself. Don't take it personal! It is part of your life's journey and mission to find that hidden treasure that is buried within you, that inherited creativity.

I have to be honest with you, so listen closely, when you find the hidden treasure chest of creativity buried inside of you, please, please, please don't immediately allow your thoughts to jump into how this is going to make me money! Entertain the thought of how your creativity can bring you an abundance of peace, or the enjoyment you feel by allowing your voice that was once stifled to finally be heard. Just do it because of the joy you find within it and allow it to flow. Now, that's not to say that somewhere along the journey your creative gift will not open doors for you, remember that timing is everything and the timing of your blessings is not in your control.

As I am coming to the closing of this post, I would like to leave you with something to meditate on…what are your gifts that you have allowed to lay dormant out of fear?

There are individuals that are letting go of that fear and tapping into their God given creativity and making it work for them. Are you tapping in and making your natural talents and gifts work for you? I promise you once you let go of the fear there will be unlimited possibilities awaiting you. Again, I don't know where they will lead, honestly, I can plan my life and write out a plan, but God's plan will always prevail. All that any of can do is be prepared for the blessing when the opportunity comes. What I do know is that writing is liberating and freeing for me, it's what I do best without hesitation, it's also a form of healing and rebirth for me. I had an opportunity to be on The Oprah show back in 2007 and out of fear I didn't go, however opportunities have a way of coming back around and this time I will be ready to catch each opportunity void of fear. Who's to say maybe this blog thing has the potential to open up many doors for me. Guess what? I plan to walk through every single one of them! That is how you make your creativity work for you!

Just by letting go of fear, especially of others reading my innermost thoughts I have begun to share my blog and other creative works with friends and strangers. I'm not even going to hold you, I actually started getting anxiety at the thought that people I do not know will read my thoughts, yikes! However, I had to stop myself in my tracks and ask myself what is the best thing that could happen? When gear attempts to creep in I challenge you to ask yourself that same question.

By me taking a leap of faith and first just starting the writing process, this blog and now sharing it, it actually opened up a door for me to tap into other portals of creativity that I possessed. I have a line of notebooks and journals; children composition books and I am working on another book!

You're the first to hear the new, lucky you! I wrote all that to say this, one spark will ignite another, so keep going! You have a hidden treasure inside of you that your higher self has been waiting for you to discover. Happy Findings.

Thank you for taking the time out to read and hopefully catch a spark of inspiration that will allow you to start making your creativity work for you. Whatever that force of creativity may be, it is a gift that you have to offer to the world!

Until next time Peace. Love and Blessings



Dec 27, 2023

This is beautifully written and a huge eye opener for me. First thing first never be afraid of the gifts God has blessed you with to show onto the world. Pouring out your heart for the world to see takes much courage so never feel like you are to transparent when infact you are very inspiring. Your letting your courage shine through and through. This article makes me think about life and as you said every loud noise trying to distract us and keep the real truth hidden. God infact knows all good and evil. He has the last word. My God. What I would do without even thinking about making money is helping teenage mothers as I was one…


Martin Waring
Martin Waring
Dec 26, 2023

I can't wait to see what 2024 has in store for you!

LaMia Michele
LaMia Michele
Dec 26, 2023
Replying to

Thank you!!!! I'm so excited I feel it in my Spirit God is about to wow me in big ways!

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